Automobile University
Find out what commuting to work and getting a college degree have in common.
I spend a lot of time in my car traveling for my job. In fact, when I tell people how much time I spend in my car I usually get a look as if I’ve lost my mind. Well, I’ve discovered that the time away and particularly in my car is not a waste of time. In fact, you can get more done in your vehicle to and from work than you probably realize.
You see, I found out that one of the reasons why people have the perception that I’m wasting time is because of what they are doing when they are commuting. It turns out that most people who travel either do one of three things (listen to the radio, think about stuff or yell and curse at the other people on the road). Ok so maybe they do all those at one time. I remember getting in my car and before I made a block i was either worrying about something or wasting my time getting frustrated with traffic.
I have found a...
Thank You Letter
People may go to their grave never knowing what a difference they made in your life. If someone had an impact on your life let them know today.
A few years ago a study was done that looked at business professionals and the top things they needed to be successful. To my surprise after reading the article I learnt that the #1 thing they needed was not money, promotions or even raises. Although those items definitely made the list, it turned out that the #1 commodity that most people needed was appreciation. Appreciation is simply the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.
Think about that for a second. Has anyone in your life ever did something for you that made a difference. Maybe it was a mentor that took you under her wing in your first career or perhaps a family member that stuck by you through the hard times. You know I really believe that we take things for granted sometimes. I don’t think we mean to. We just kind...
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