The 25% Rule states that everybody that comes into your life basically falls into 1 of 4 categories:
1st 25% consist of people who may like you at first but then may change their mind:
This is not necessarily a bad thing. Think of a time when you met someone and immediately hit it off. Maybe you grew up in the same town or graduated from the same school. But after talking with them for a while you found out that you have different beliefs or ways of dealing with certain things. The more you converse with this individual the more you realize that you really don’t have a lot in common. This doesn’t mean that you are a bad person or that they are better than you. It simply means that you are different and that’s ok. There is a good book with an even better title called “I’m not crazy I’m just not you.” You see, I’ve learned over the years that I don’t have to agree with everyone or have the same beliefs as my friends. I am my own...
The Power of Smiling:
I have a question for you: How many times a day do you smile (5, 10, maybe 20)? Did you know that it's been said that children can actually smile up 400x per day. Smiling is contagious. It can lower stress-enhancing hormones and increase mood-enhancing hormones.
Let's talk about that for a second:
Over the past few months I’ve been sharing these quick videos with the community and suggesting that we must change the way we think in order to be fully successful. But, it doesn't just stop with our thoughts. Physically, we must make adjustments.
One day while working I noticed that my body (physically) resembled that of a person who was tired, depressed and burned out. My head was down, my shoulders were slouched, and I had a frown on my face. Looking back I really don't think I was depressed. But my body was just so used of this that that seemed to be my default posture. Once I noticed this I began to be more aware of how I presented myself (walking...
This Mental Exercise Will Change The Way You Look At Things.
Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at changes- Wayne Dyer
One of the most fascinating things that I have ever studied was the brain. Although, this topic is sophisticated and often times can go over my head I’ve learned to respect it and take it for what it is. You see the human brain is what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. We have the ability to do something that no other creature can do- and that is THINK! You see humans actually have 3 brains (sort of ) instead of just one. There is our old brain (the part of us that gives us the ability to fight or flight). We have an emotional brain (the part that gives us the ability to feel). And we have the thinking brain (the part where our mental faculties live). This means we can think of what we want to think of. We can daydream, reason with others and set goals for our future. Or we can worry, hold resentments or think of...
5X Check In Method
Do This Technique 5 Times A Day For More Focus, Energy and Calmness.
One day I was sitting at my desk and noticed something that I had never really felt before. For the first time I was actually aware at how distressed I was. My shoulders were tense, my body felt numb and my breathing was heavy. I had been non stop all day long. I was ripping and running trying to make deadlines (mostly for other people). At that point I was forced to look at myself. I stopped and observed my mind and my body. I became aware of my thinking and how I was processing information. I noticed exactly how each part of my body felt and which areas were relaxed and which were tense.
My normal routine looked like this:
I was always on the go. I was always worrying about what I had to do next. I usually dealt with my tasks with resentment and frustration. And the list went on and on…
Once I realized that this way of working was literally going to kill me I decided to change. So I did...
50% Complete
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